Removal of the Adverts (free webpages).

About our adverts.
We have chosen not to run Google and FaceBook ads due to the uncontrolable and inappropriate content.
Instead we have used the advertising space for our own community which has a mutual benefit.
But ok, the web page is for you and some options follow.

Option 1 "Share".
Share the URL via the 'Share' tab immediately under the Page Title.
When we see the counter has reached 1,000 shares you can ask for the ads to be removed.
Click here to contact by email.

Option 2 "Payment".
We are charging a one time fee of 1,000 thb to remove these (six) adverts from your page.
The Header and Footer advert will remain.
Use the Email link below to receive details.
Click here to contact by email.
Or maybe you would prefer your own web site, please visit our Elegant Pages web site for a great deal.